7 Ways to Heal Your Inner Child Wounds
Our inner child represents the part of us that developed in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. These were vulnerable times that we experienced life as a child. Lots of different feelings developed and many of us developed inner child wounds. Inner child work means going back to understand, validate, and heal your childhood wounds. As psychologist Carl Jung put it this way, “The inner child carries the burden of being our past and future."
Our inner child represents the emotional part of us that developed in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. These were vulnerable times when we experienced life as a child. Lots of different feelings developed from experiences and possible traumas. Many of us developed inner child wounds. Inner child work means going back to understand, validate, and heal your childhood wounds. As psychologist Carl Jung put it this way, “The inner child carries the burden of being our past and future." Those are very critical words to describe exactly what the inner child carries around for us.
Let’s look into the inner child wounds from the past and see where we can heal the inner child.
Validate your past
It’s so important to not only connect with what happened to you as a child, but to validate your feelings. If you experienced trauma or grief, it’s important to try recognize and to feel those feelings. Any repressed inner child feelings will only erupt during anxiety, fearful, angry or stressful times and cause havoc in adulthood. It would be like opening a Pandora’s box of horrors. Getting in touch with those feelings will be the best thing you can do to combat adult disruptions. Once you are in touch with those feelings, you can release them. One way to release them is to speak about it out loud, even if just to yourself.
Identify any neglect or trauma
It’s important to recognize any neglect you may have experienced as a child or trauma. Bringing out our dark secrets from the past into the light of day helps it lose it’s power over us. Just speaking it out loud is a great start. Try to acknowledge the neglect to a friend or therapist.
Look for patterns
Our lives are a series of patterns from childhood emotions that seep into adulthood. Our anger issues that get out of control, are usually from past childhood anger that come out of left field during a heated argument. Recognizing any pattern from childhood is a great start to healing. An example of a relationship pattern from childhood would be having anger issues over your father not coming to your little league games. Now, as an adult, you take that anger out on your wife if she can’t be there for you in a certain situation. The anger would be intense and out of proportion to a minor situation with your wife. This is just one example of a pattern of anger from childhood.
Feel your feelings
Suppressed emotions manifest in other unhealthy ways. Make space to feel sadness, anger, and fear fully. It is imperative to feel your feelings.
Write a letter to your inner child. Assure your younger self that they did nothing to deserve mistreatment. Remind them of their talents and intrinsic beauty. Also list any hurt feelings or anger in your letter. Also identify any feelings of emotional or physical abandonment issues. Looking back on your childhood and writing about hurtful times is imperative to healing. Getting it all out on paper will serve as a great way to alleviate the fears and anger from the past. It might feel uncomfortable, but that will pass and you will start to feel healed. You can also do daily journaling on past experiences as an inner child. Journaling is a sure way to bring to light inner child wounds and help heal them. Remember, every time you remember an inner child wound, and write it out, you are releasing it to the universe.
Speak encouraging mantras
Combat an inner critic with loving wisdom. Tell yourself often, “I am enough. I matter. I am worthy of love. I am loveable” Create new neural pathways with affirmative language. Using words of affirmation will help you feel more positive and in turn happier. Speak words of affirmations daily to yourself, and do it over and over again until it resonates for you.
Meet unmet needs
Make a list of activities that would comfort your inner child’s fears and longings. Do you like to play music? Create art? Engage with spirituality to really heighten the experience, if you choose to. Enjoying life is part of self-care. Self-care is putting total focus on yourself and doing things that make you happy. As Audre Lorde wrote, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence; it is self-preservation.” Take that vacation you always wanted. Get out a coloring book and be creative. Go to a park and enjoy the swings. Walk barefoot on the beach. Fulfill your own needs by acknowledging them and acting them out.
Cultivate a safe community
Surround yourself with people who champion all parts of you, past and present. Be around people who celebrate you, not tolerate you. Consider joining a support group to share struggles without shame and reduce isolation. 12 step programs are an excellent way towards healing. Seeing childhood wounds in friends allows empathy for what they too endure. Kindness is contagious. Be the person you need for someone else. When we help others, it helps us stay focused on our own healing as well.
In closing, it’s important to implement with patient devotion these methods in order for your inner child to feel seen, safe, and healed. You deserve to be nurtured now and always. It’s so important to recognize your inner child wounds and start the healing process. These 7 steps are a great start to healing the inner child. You want to graduate to this state of being happy, rather than fight invisible emotional wounds from the past for the rest of your life. Remember, the rest of your life starts today. You have the power to change the things you can.
If you feel like you need help, I offer life coaching, and can help you with reparenting your inner child and other areas you may be struggling with in your life. I offer a free coaching session.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.
What does ‘Inner Child’ Mean? Understanding and Healing Your Inner Child.
You might hear about the inner child and see a blog and decide to pass over it. You may have a false image of what the inner child actually means. The reality is, we all have an inner child. Inner child is not some far out concept from the 90s, it’s a very real part of everyone’s life. It’s not something you can ignore forever, because it has a great impact and power over your life, whether you realize it or not. If you keep the pandora’s box of the inner child long enough, it will eventually cause untold conflict. So, the question begs, what is the inner child?
The inner child refers to the vulnerable, emotional part of one's personality that forms in early childhood. It contains our core feelings, needs, desires, fears, anger, and memories from the first years of life. Even as adults, this childlike part of us will emerge at times, especially when we feel threatened, anxious, or afraid. Recognizing and nurturing this inner child is key to our emotional wellbeing.
You might hear about the inner child and see a blog and decide to pass over it. You may have a false image of what the inner child actually means. The reality is, we all have an inner child. Inner child is not some far out concept from the 90s, it’s a very real part of everyone’s life. It’s not something you can ignore forever, because it has a great impact and power over your life, whether you realize it or not. If you keep the pandora’s box of the inner child long enough, it will eventually cause untold conflict. So, the question begs, what is the inner child?
The inner child refers to the vulnerable, emotional part of one's personality that forms in early childhood. It contains our core feelings, needs, desires, fears, anger, and memories from the first years of life. Even as adults, this childlike part of us will emerge at times, especially when we feel threatened, anxious, or afraid. Recognizing and nurturing this inner child is key to our emotional wellbeing.
How to Connect with Your Inner Child
Noticing intense emotions: Strong feelings like excessive anger, sadness, or shame often represent "tantrums" of an aching inner child. Pay close attention when this happens.
Identifying childlike desires: Cravings, especially for comforts like sweet or fried foods, can indicate the inner child is seeking to be nurtured. Another tell-tale sign of the inner child coming out in your life and why most of us can’t keep the weight off.
Being aware of regressive behaviors: Do you become especially needy around certain people or situations? This suggests the inner child feels endangered.
Intense anger for small infractions is tied to the inner child. If you get angry easily, at the slightest thing, you can pretty much bet it is coming from a past situation from childhood that is being triggered by the person or situation you are angry about.
Feelings of fears of abandonment in adult relationships are also a sign of triggers from past childhood wounds. If your partner is going away on a business trip and you feel fearful, that is from an old childhood wound.
Considering what "age" you feel: Specific situations may trigger memories of when you were 5, 10, or 15 years old. Pay attention to any pattern of anger or abandonment issues and when you first felt that way.
By stopping when big feelings surface and asking, "How old does this make me feel?" you can connect to this child part. These are all ways to recognize how your inner child causes havoc in your life. The goal is to heal the inner child.
How to Soothe and Comfort Your Inner Child
Ways to nurture the inner child when painful emotions arise include:
Offer understanding through inner dialogue. Validate how the inner child might feel frightened, rejected, unseen, angry or unloved. Say, “You’re not alone. I hear you, and I’m here for you now.” Being there to reparent your inner child is a comfort.
Provide physical comfort: rock gently, wrap arms around yourself, or let hands rest protectively over your heart.
Engage the senses: hold a soft blanket or stuffed animal, sip warm herbal tea, or play soothing music. Allow your mind and body to relax.
Supply emotional support. Cradle the inner child in compassion, empathy, and patience. Say aloud reassuring statements like “You are so precious to me” or “You deserved better, and you have me now.”
Self-Care techniques
Self-care is essential to form a loving friendship with your inner child. Taking care of your adult needs is crucial.
Some of those self-care needs are simple:
Rest and vacation time
Affirming words of comfort
Healthy meals
Hot bath or spa day
Having quiet time
Make a concerted effort for one full month to do extra special things for yourself and see how much that makes you feel loved and cared for.
The power of the moment
Most importantly, commit to showing up wholeheartedly for yourself, flaws and all. Living in the moment is crucial to being there for yourself. When you think about it, this moment is all we have. Shining this light of presence into the darkest recesses of your inner world illuminates pain built up over a lifetime. It can initiate so much inner child healing. With time, consistency, and courage, genuine self-care heals old wounds. Gradually, the fierce outbursts of an indignant inner child give way to the peaceful presence of your authentic self, emotional maturity, and personal power. You want to graduate to this state of being happy, rather than fight invisible emotional wounds from the past.
If you feel like you need help, I offer life coaching, and can help you with reparenting your inner child and other areas.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.
7 Steps to Reparent Yourself for Inner Child Healing - Rachel Devine
Many of us carry wounds from childhood—whether from absent, critical, controlling, or even abusive parenting. As adults, we may still hear these hurtful voices from our past, undermining our self-worth. When negative voices come of of left field, you can be sure it is coming from the wounded inner child. The good news is that it is possible to "reparent" and care for your inner child through understanding, compassion, positive affirmations and mindfulness. With commitment to the following steps, you can transform old beliefs and finally give yourself the nurturing you deserve.
Many of us carry wounds from childhood—whether from absent, critical, controlling, or even abusive parenting. As adults, we may still hear these hurtful voices from our past, undermining our self-worth. When negative voices come out of left field, you can be sure it is coming from the wounded inner child. The good news is that it is possible to "reparent" and care for your inner child through understanding, compassion, positive affirmations and mindfulness. With commitment to the following steps, you can transform old beliefs and finally give yourself the nurturing you deserve. It is possible to reparent yourself to heal your inner child.
Here are 7 steps to reparent yourself for inner child healing.
1. Get to know your inner child
Start by reflecting on what you were like as a child. What was your temperament? What brought you joy, and what were you sensitive to? What were your interests and talents? What did you need that you perhaps did not receive? By understanding yourself better at younger ages, you can learn how to meet those needs today. Journaling in this area is a great way to get in touch with your inner child and feelings from the past.
2. Communicate love and acceptance
Practice self-compassion by writing letters to yourself at various ages. Tell these different stages of your inner child that you love them unconditionally, not for what they achieved but simply for who they are. Assure them they are enough just as they are. Use some positive words to affirm your inner child like, you are smart, you are beautiful, and you are worthy. This helps release old unsubstantiated shame. Motivational quotations can help too.
3. Identify and validate emotional wounds
Notice when difficult emotions arise in your daily life. Or when the negative voices infringe on your day. Instead of ignoring them or reacting with anger, listen to these voices and understand where they came from. Link them to past rejections, loneliness, betrayals, experiences, trauma or abuse. Say out loud to your inner child, “What happened to you was not fair. I’m here now to support and love you.” Any positive words of support will change the inner feelings that are negative.
4. Learn to meet your needs today
Make a list of what your inner child still hungers for, whether it’s touch, encouragement, love, rest, or play. Brainstorm specific ways you can nourish yourself each day. It may help to picture speaking to your inner child and asking what he or she needs right now. In fact, get a picture of yourself as a child and communicate directly to the picture. It’s easier to love yourself if you can see a picture of you as a beautiful or handsome child. Ask yourself these questions:
What do I want?
What will make me happy?
What can I do to make this happen?
5. Practice positive self-talk
Children believe what adults tell them about themselves. If your parents were critical, rather than echoing those harsh voices from the past, begin building yourself up. Look in the mirror each morning and counter old negatives with truthful positives, for example: “I am worthy. I am capable. I am loveable.”
6. Artistic therapy
A great way to connect with the inner child and do some reparenting is to have some fun through art. Get a coloring book and crayons and have fun with it. Or get some oak tag and draw pictures or create a vision board that outlines how much you are loved and valued. Use positive words, pictures and drawings to create a vision board of self-love and care. Any creative way you choose to bring fun and love into your life will bring you joy and fulfillment.
7. Positive affirmations
Using positive affirmations is an excellent way to reprogram the mind to a positive state. It’s a perfect way to reparent yourself. Saying positive affirmations over and over will override the negative thoughts in your head. Just write out some positive affirmations on some post-its, post them where you can seem them and say them out loud as often as you can. Some affirmations are, I am loved, I am worthy, I am value, etc. Anything you say after the two words, I am, has to always be positive in order to change the mind to a positive state.
Our upbringing definitely shapes us, but it does not define our future. Appreciate the small steps forward on your journey of reparenting. Building new neural positive pathways can gradually transform feelings of unworthiness into empowered self-acceptance. You can create the safe, nurturing home within yourself that you always deserved. Inner child wounds take time to heal. If you feel like you still need help, I offer life coaching, and can help you with reparenting your inner child and other areas.
Rachel Devine is the author or a new book on inner child called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
My New Book will Transform your Life: ‘Discover the Power of the Secret Within’ Rachel Devine
I am excited about my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret WIthin, that is now on Amazon and other online outlets.
Let me tell you a little about my new book.
This book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world. Therefore, let’s dive into this intriguing notion in detail.
I am excited about my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret WIthin, that is now on Amazon and other online outlets.
“I give this book a 10 out of a 10 ! I recommend it highly! I think it is a treasure, trove of knowledge that will change a lot of lives!” Dawn K (Amazon review)
Let me tell you a little about my new book.
This book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world. Therefore, let’s dive into this intriguing notion in detail.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. I will show you exactly how to do this. Make no mistake about it, you have this miraculous power within to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of almost every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, or why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, or why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). The subconscious mind holds all your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation. I will explore this dual action-packed power in one of my chapters.
I will also link a distinct pattern with our addictions to early childhood interactions and show you why it plays a big factor in determining perhaps your own addictions, or as I call them, vices. I will also show you ways to heal from these vices.
We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.
Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of your journey in life.
My goal is to help you move forward in areas of your life you thought were not possible.
In closing, I want to tell you I am so excited about getting my book published. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears, but I did it! I self-published my book on KDP, which means I did everything to make this happen! The message is important, especially for those that are struggling in life. The few people that read my book already have been impacted positively by the powerful message.
Embrace this moment, the only one we have, and get a copy of my book so you will be among those fortunate people who learn the valuable secret of the power within!
“The book really got deep on how our subconscious mind works and how important it is to not fall into the negativities and train yourself to think positive always . I really enjoyed it and it was very inspirational and really broadened my knowledge of how our minds work. I really recommend it !” Tina K (Amazon review)
“The book was a blessing in awaking my issues and helping me solve them. Extraordinary.” Neia (Amazon review)
Get your copy today on Amazon! Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams
Healing Your Inner Child: A Path to Awareness Rachel Devine
Inner child dynamics can be confusing and complicated. It’s important to break it down to size in order to start the inner child healing process. Our inner child represents the part of us that holds childhood memories, emotional needs, trauma, and subconscious beliefs formed in our early years. Most of us carry over our childhood dysfunctions into adulthood. This dysfunction can range from addictions, to anger issues, insecurities, low self-esteem and other social issues. Healing the inner child leads to greater wellbeing and happiness.
Inner child dynamics can be confusing and complicated. It’s important to break it down to size in order to start the inner child healing process. Our inner child represents the part of us that holds childhood memories, emotional needs, trauma, and subconscious beliefs formed in our early years. Most of us carry over our childhood dysfunctions into adulthood. This dysfunction can range from addictions, to anger issues, insecurities, low self-esteem and other social issues. Healing the inner child leads to greater wellbeing and happiness.
Defining the Inner Child
The inner child is our feelings, energies, needs, vulnerabilities, experiences, our neurological imprint. Simply put, the inner child is part of your personality that still feels and acts like a child.
According to psychology expert John Bradshaw, “The inner child dwells within all adults. It’s the part that feels emotions and carries our intuitions, creativity, spontaneity, and playfulness.”
The inner child develops in childhood as a means to adapt to our environment. But if traumatic, it creates core wounds, driving dysfunction.
Bradshaw stated, “The healthy inner child brings forth wonder, joy, playfulness, and creativity.” However, the unhealthy inner child brings out the worst in us. Exploring the inner child can feel like opening up a Pandora’s box, but it is crucial to find healing.
What is the Inner Child in adulthood?
The following are signs of the inner child coming out in adulthood.
Hypersensitivity to perceived rejection or exclusion
Reacting defensively or impulsively when criticized
Craving nourishment, affection, or praise from others
Struggling with boundaries or priorities
Fearing abandonment or loss in relationships
Defaulting to shame or inadequacy when struggling
Intense anger issues
These are just some issues that indicate an inner child issue has reared its ugly head in your adult life.
Ways to Heal Your Inner Child
Open a caring dialogue with your inner child by connecting to your feelings. Give your inner child permission to freely communicate its buried feelings and needs.
Validate inner emotions and pains with empathy. Offer the unconditional love you craved but didn’t receive growing up.
Set healthy boundaries if your behaviors are destructive. For example, provide comfort when sad, but limit tantrums or acting out with anger.
Reassure your inner child’s worthiness and intrinsic goodness. Replace old negative self-beliefs with positive truths. Always use positive affirmations towards yourself.
Healing your inner child meditation. Go back to a time when your inner child was in pain in a meditation and reparent your inner child with love and safety.
Inner child healing therapy is a great way to find healing. Find a good therapist that is right for you.
Speak encouragingly and affirm their strengths. Foster their self-confidence. And use self-loving words to your inner child.
Comfort your inner child when you’re feeling upset using visualizations, stuffed animal hugs, or consoling letters.
Indulge in play, creativity, and joy through art and other creative ways; this nourishes the inner child’s spirit.
Get a picture of yourself as a child and say often to the picture, “I love you.” It will make a difference.
Enlist a good life-coach to help.
With consistent loving care, your inner child transforms from a hindrance in your adult life into a source of vitality, wisdom, and strength. The more you embrace this part of yourself, the more healthy your relationships will be at home, at work and with friends. Feeding your inner child with love and compassion is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book, Discovering the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
Let me Introduce You to Your Inner Child-Rachel Devine
The inner child represents the part of your psyche that holds childhood memories, feelings, wounds, personality traits, and unmet developmental needs. Becoming aware of this aspect of yourself is crucial to healing the inner child. We all have an inner child with issues, whether you realize it or not. By raising awareness of this subconscious inner child, you can start the healing process through inner child work, that will allow you to move forward in life in an easier fashion. So what is inner child healing? Let’s explore this aspect of inner child. Let’s look at ways to recognize and do some inner child work.
The inner child represents the part of your psyche that holds childhood memories, feelings, wounds, personality traits, and unmet developmental needs. Becoming aware of this aspect of yourself is crucial to healing the inner child. We all have an inner child with issues, whether you realize it or not. By raising awareness of this subconscious inner child, you can start the healing process through inner child work, that will allow you to move forward in life in an easier fashion. So what is inner child healing? Let’s explore this aspect of inner child. Let’s look at ways to recognize and do some inner child work.
Recognizing your inner child
Some signs your inner child is active include:
Hypersensitivity to perceived rejection or exclusion
Reacting defensively or impulsively when criticized
Craving nourishment, affection, or praise from others
Struggling with boundaries or priorities
Fearing abandonment or loss in relationships
Defaulting to shame or inadequacy when struggling
Intense anger issues
These are just a few of the signs that your inner child is emerging, usually during stressful times or times of emotional trigger. Emotional triggering happens when we are confronted with an event that subconsciously brings us back to childhood event that was upsetting or traumatizing, and the intense emotions come out of left field. Inner child channels are raw, vulnerable emotions and instincts. Notice when excessive moodiness, neediness, or insecurity arise, often revealing your inner child’s outsized influence.
A very telling time is during road rage. If you become intensely angry during road rage, chances are that is your inner child raging from within.
What is your Inner Child and Connecting to it?
Let’s introduce yourself to your inner child. You can become increasingly aware of your inner child through the following:
Journaling: Dialogue with your inner child in writing to uncover their feelings.
Visualization: Use your imagination to picture your inner child. What do they look like? How do they feel?
Body sensations: Notice where you hold stress physically when upset. These body clues reflect the inner child.
Childhood reflections: Review memories and influences from your upbringing for insights.
Inner child healing meditation: Go back into your childhood and meditate on a time of distress and be with your inner child. See what he or she is telling you about their feelings.
Honoring the Inner Child
You can start integrating your inner child through:
Speaking to your inner child internally with compassion is very rewarding. Thank your inner child for being there and bring as much love as you can to your child.
Spending time doing activities your inner child enjoys, like dancing, coloring, or playing is rewarding.
Allowing yourself to cry or feel sadness with self-kindness rather than dismissing it.
Displaying old childhood mementos and pictures can invoke fond feelings. Get a picture of yourself as a child and tell that child how much you love him or her daily.
Doing your best to provide for the inner child’s needs—whether play, connection, validation, nourishment, or rest is so important. Practice self-care in all areas and be aware of your needs and wants.
Gaining awareness of your inner child allows you to update harmful programmed beliefs and consciously respond to your inner needs with wisdom, understanding and love. Inner child work leads to wholeness, self love and releasing old wounds and dysfunctional patterns.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book, Discovering the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
7-Step Guide to Inner Child Healing Techniques- Rachel Devine
If you are having anger issues, or stuck in a mediocre job, or having relationship issues, or struggling with an addiction, the answer lies in the inner child. Many of us do not want to open up a pandora’s box of past feelings. However, that is exactly what will help you address any issues you have in life that are not manageable. Addressing unresolved childhood wounds through inner child work can facilitate deep healing, self-love, and actualization. Various therapeutic techniques help you reconcile with your inner child to transform pain into wisdom. You will have an opportunity to be friends with your inner child, rather than to deny what is a very real part of you.
Let’s look at some inner child healing techniques.
If you are having anger issues, or stuck in a mediocre job, or having relationship issues, or struggling with an addiction, the solution lies in the inner child. Many of us do not want to open up a pandora’s box of past feelings. However, that is exactly what will help you address any issues you have in life that are not manageable. Addressing unresolved childhood wounds through inner child work can facilitate deep healing, self-love, and actualization. Various therapeutic techniques help you reconcile with your inner child to transform pain into wisdom. You will have an opportunity to be friends with your inner child, rather than to deny what is a very real part of you. It will bring you much liberation from the chains of the inner child wounds.
Let’s look at some inner child healing techniques.
Inner Child Healing Meditation
Sitting in quiet meditation while visualizing and conversing with your inner child fosters connection with compassion. Imagine going into a sanctuary. Visualize everything you can about yourself as a child. Visually embrace and comfort your inner child. Listen as they share untouched pains and unfulfilled needs. Provide validation and nourishment through words of affirmation, a visual hug or an acknowledgement of past feelings.
Inner Child Healing Journaling
Through journaling, give your inner child a voice by writing down their feelings and perspectives. Respond back with understanding and care. Explore past challenges and their lingering impacts through this written dialogue while reparenting their hurts. Being able to get in touch with your feelings as a child in writing and addressing those feelings is the most validating loving thing you can do for yourself. You can also write out some affirmations for the inner child, that you can say out loud on a regular basis.
Brainspotting Therapy
Brainspotting is for a wide variety of emotional conditions. Brainspotting is particularly effective with trauma-based situations, helping to identify and heal underlying trauma that contributes to anxiety, depression and other behavioral conditions. Brainspotting gives the therapist access to both brain and body processes. Its goal is to bypass the conscious, neocortical thinking to access the deeper, subcortical emotional and body-based parts of the brain in order to release past inner child trauma. It is very effective and worth looking into.
Inner Child Art Therapy
Expressive arts like painting, drawing, or molding clay help give shape to formless feelings locked in your inner child. The nonverbal outlet accesses subconscious aspects. Examine the themes depicted visually. Try your hand at art and expressing your inner child’s feelings. A life-coach can be a great help with inner child healing.
Energy Healing
Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), breathwork, and somatic therapy aimed at releasing trapped fight-or-flight energy from past trauma help restore inner child wholeness. The body remembers what the mind has buried.
Toy/Keepsake Inner Child Rituals
Inner child rituals are effective too. Hold a favorite childhood memento like a stuffed animal or a doll when dialoguing internally with your inner child. Keep it nearby as a touchstone. You can use positive words of love, comfort and validation for your inner child to the doll that represents yourself as a child. Let it represent your commitment to embracing your inner child with care, love and compassion.
Inner Child Healing Therapy
Inner child healing therapy is priceless, if you find a good therapist. Working with a therapist will give you much insight into your past inner child wounds and help you heal. It’s especially helpful for those who have addictions, or constant anger issues, or perhaps low self-esteem. Whatever the situation you are facing today, I can safely say it is wrapped up in past traumas or wounds. A good therapist can help you.
There are many avenues to reconnect with your inner essence in a healing way. Try different practices to discover what modalities resonate most deeply for you. This will give you an opportunity to recover from old wounds that still influence behaviors and beliefs as an adult. Be patient and let reconciliation unfold, one insight at a time. It’s like peeling an onion. Each layer brings you closer to inner healing and in turn to better adult experiences.
Rachel Devine is the author of, Discovering the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.
I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Think I can! It All Starts with Your Inner World! Rachel Devine
I love that children’s book, The Little Engine that Could. The big phrase in the book is the little engine says repeatedly, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. It’s such a positive affirmation of hope in achieving the little engines goal of going over this big mountain. We also have mountains we want to climb over in life.
We all are capable for unimaginable success, and climbing over mountains, if we realize that our inner world is a big factor in determining how we progress in life. Most of us are oblivious to this crucial part of our lives that dictates almost every decision we make.
The wounded inner child, carrying baggage from childhood wounds, abandonments, or critical messages, can undermine our success in life through self-doubt, excessive need for external validation, perfectionism, and other limiting patterns and beliefs. By understanding and healing this part of ourselves, our inner child transforms from foe to friend. This transformation helps one to be successful in any endeavor they undertake including, losing weight, running a successful business, becoming a writer, an actress, giving up an addiction, making lots of money, etc.
Let’s look at this in an easy way to truly understand it.
I love that children’s book, The Little Engine that Could by, Watty Piper. The big phrase in the book is the little blue engine says repeatedly, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. It’s such a positive affirmation of hope in achieving the little engines goal of going over the big mountain. Many of us also have mountains we want to climb over in life. Some are goals and other mountains are obstacles.
We all are capable of unimaginable success and climbing over mountains, if we realize that our inner world is a big factor in determining how we progress in life. Most of us are oblivious to this crucial part of our lives that dictates almost every decision we make and we wind up in a circular driveway, going nowhere fast.
The wounded inner child, carrying baggage from childhood wounds, abandonments, or critical messages, can undermine our success in life through self-doubt, excessive need for external validation, perfectionism, feeling unworthy, and other limiting patterns and beliefs. By understanding and healing this part of ourselves, our inner child transforms from foe to friend. This transformation helps one to be successful in any endeavor they undertake including, losing weight, running a successful business, becoming a writer, an actress, giving up an addiction, making lots of money, finding your soulmate, etc.
Let’s look at this in a comprehensive way.
Identifying Inner Child Sabotage
Unconscious ways your inner child may sabotage success include the following:
Needing others’ approval before acting on inspiration.
Abandoning projects when you hit roadblocks.
Talking down to yourself with criticism.
Only feeling worthy with perfect outcomes.
Isolating when feeling overwhelmed or depressed.
Self-medicating the empty void with food, alcohol, or drugs.
Staying stuck, envisioning the worst-case scenarios.
Low self-esteem.
A feeling of unworthiness.
The inner child operates behind the scenes by distorting thinking around present-day goals based on old conditioning. Those negative thoughts that come out of left field and invade your mind are the dialogue of the inner child from the past. This negative dialogue is a block to good relationships, family connections, success in business and so much more.
Transforming Inner Dialogue
Bring conscious awareness to times when you undermine progress through harsh self-judgment, doubt, isolation, unworthiness, or seeking excessive reassurance. Pause and identify this as the inner child’s fearful influence. If you want to start a project or move towards a long-awaited goal and you can’t get past self-doubt, it’s time to really look at the inner child and your thoughts.
Rather than reacting the same old way to negative self-talk, consciously respond with compassion towards yourself. Provide the unconditional love and affirmation your inner child craves to heal old wounds. Forgive perceived imperfections. Turn negative dialogue into positive ones. Create a self-loving environment. Build on your own self-esteem by giving to yourself in a nurturing and generous way. When you direct your own love toward yourself, you are building a strong relationship with the most important person in your life, and this will carry over to every area you want to succeed in.
Positive affirmations
Positive affirmations are positive phrases, or statements that are used to offset negative thoughts. You can use them to motivate, encourage positive changes in your life, or boost your self-esteem. Affirmations also penetrate the subconscious mind, if said with enough feeling, and this in turn will help your life move in a positive direction.
You can build positive affirmations by writing them out and saying them out loud as often as you can. Some ideas are, I am worthy, I am loved, I am confident, I am successful, I found my soulmate, I am healthy, and I am making lots of money. Or you can make positive statements, such as, I now express health, happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind.
Gradually, this positive self-parenting transforms your inner voice from sabotage to an uplifting cheerleader. The light of awareness dispels unconscious shadows and you might find yourself succeeding in areas you thought were not possible.
Replacing negative patterns
As dysfunctional patterns loosen through inner child healing, proactively build positive habits that serve your goals, like consistent practice in moving towards your goal, dividing tasks into manageable steps, and celebrating small wins. You can also journal with positive affirmations and replace any negative intrusion of thoughts immediately to positive ones. This alone can help you transform to new heights. By building positive habits that serve your goal, you are on your way to succeeding in the goal you choose. Additionally, a “To do list” will keep you on track in moving in the direction of your goal.
Louise Hay, founder of Hay House Publishing and author and teacher says this about the inner child:
“Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
Picture your words as being in an echo chamber. What you say comes back like an echo. This is the law of attraction working, as like attracts like. Changing dialogue to a positive state will move your life in a positive direction.
Remember, it’s so important to let your inner mentor emerge to help manifest dreams rather than allow past pain to dictate your present moments. Befriending your inner child removes blocks to claiming your joy and success. Be the parent to your inner child that will help you grow into the person you were meant to be. Remember, if you think you can, then you can do it. Stay positive and focused and your dreams will manifest into reality.
Rachel Devine is the author of, Discovering the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.
My new event is January 31, 2024 7:30 pm on Zoom, “Master the Power of Manifestation. Turn your Dreams into Reality.” Click on this link for more information.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
5 Steps to Manifest Your Dreams into Reality! Rachel Devine
We all have dreams and goals. Some are on the back burner of our lives, and some are at the forefront, just waiting to expand. Our dreams and goals matter. They shape our lives and help define who we are. The first step is to recognize what you want in life. Sit back and think about what you want to achieve in your life time. Setting clear intentions through written goals, combined with daily visualization and affirmation practices, provides a potent game plan for manifesting your dreams into reality.
Let’s take a look at 5 steps to successfully manifest your goals and dreams.
We all have dreams and goals. Some are on the back burner of our lives, and some are at the forefront, just waiting to expand. Our dreams and goals matter. They shape our lives and help define who we are. The first step is to recognize what you want in life. Sit back and think about what you want to achieve in your life time. Setting clear intentions through written goals, combined with daily visualization and affirmation practices, provides a potent game plan for manifesting your dreams into reality.
Let’s take a look at 5 steps to successfully manifest your goals and dreams.
Define your Dream
First, articulate your dreams and ideal life visions in a journal. Outline a 1-year game plan for one specific goal that might encompass areas like career, relationships, self-improvement, health, hobbies, or financial aims. Make them measurable and time-bound. A clear game plan is essential to achieving your goals. Start with focus on one goal. You might want to write a book, start a business, meet your soulmate or perhaps get healthy.
Writing out your goals clarifies desires and implants them into your subconscious mind. As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”
Getting started
Once you define your goal and set a game plan, ask yourself these three questions:
What do I want to accomplish with my goal?
Where do I see myself in a year from now with this goal?
What can I do NOW to get to where I want to be in a year?
The answers to these questions are important to move you forward with your goal. Take your time with answering them.
Affirm your goals
Choose one goal to focus affirmations on. Create affirmations pertaining to your chosen goal positively in the present tense as if your dream already happened.
“I am now living my dream life completely aligned to my purpose.”
“I attracted my ideal soulmate into my life.”
“I am now achieving a six-figure income doing what I love.”
“I am healthy and at my ideal weight.”
“My new business is thriving.”
Recite these affirmations out loud daily and as often as you can. Conjure up as many positive feelings as you can, that you achieved your desired outcome. These feelings will penetrate your subconscious mind. The feelings are what the subconscious mind embraces and brings your dreams to fruition.
Visualize Success
Spend 5–10 minutes daily visualizing your goals fulfilled as if they were already here. Picture yourself living that ideal scene; make it as vivid and detailed as possible. Immerse all your senses in the visualization. It is especially powerful at night, just before you go to sleep.
As pioneering psychologist William James stated, “Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that ensures the successful outcome.” Believe and perceive your dreams as already achieved. Relinquish any self-doubt and move forward with confidence and self-motivation. You have the power to make any dream a reality.
Take inspired action
Affirmations and visualization alone don’t manifest goals. You must also take concrete steps each day to progress towards your dream, while maintaining the belief that your dream is already occurring on an energetic level.
A "to-do list” is powerful and will help you stay on track and take action towards your goal. Make sure your list is in line with your game plan. List out the things you need to do in a day to move forward with manifesting your dream and tick them off as you complete them.
Align behaviors with your goals and make positive choices in the direction of achieving your dream. Act upon sudden inspired ideas. Stay open to unexpected paths that may open up. Look for anything coming into your life that can help you. With focused belief and strategic action, your goals will start to materialize.
In closing, by defining desires clearly, imprinting them into your subconscious expectations through repetitive affirmations, visualization, and feelings and taking aligned actions, you mobilize universal forces to birth your goals into tangible form. All of these actions will send out powerful positive energy into the universe that will come back to you. It’s called the law of attraction, and this power will help you achieve your goals and manifest your dreams into reality.
Rachel Devine is the author of, Discovering the Power of the Secret Within.
My new event is January 31, 2024 7:30 pm on Zoom, “Master the Power of Manifestation. Turn your Dreams into Reality.” Click on this link for more information.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
The Power of Affirmations: Training Your Subconscious for Success - Rachel Devine
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. Affirmations are simple, positive statements of empowerment, intention, or values that can profoundly influence thinking patterns when repeated consistently. Regularly affirming core beliefs rewires neural pathways on a subconscious level to manifest positive transformation. When you can penetrate the subconscious mind, you can literally transform your life with positive affirmations to bring success into your life. This will help you reach your goals of perhaps losing weight, starting a business, making more money, finding your soulmate, giving up an addiction, etc.
Let’s dive into the details of affirmations.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. Affirmations are simple, positive statements of empowerment, intention, or values that can profoundly influence thinking patterns when repeated consistently. Regularly affirming core beliefs rewires neural pathways on a subconscious level to manifest positive transformation. When you can penetrate the subconscious mind, you can literally transform your life with positive affirmations to bring success into your life. This will help you reach your goals of perhaps losing weight, starting a business, making more money, finding your soulmate, giving up an addiction, etc. This is turn can transform your life for the better.
Let’s dive into the details of affirmations.
Defining Affirmations
As motivational speaker Tony Robbins stated, “An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so.” Examples include affirming ideals like:
I radiate health, joy, and purpose.
Abundance flows freely through me.
I am open and receptive to brilliant new ideas.
I am successful in everything I do.
I have reached my goal and am successful in this endeavor.
Unlike wishful thinking, affirmations proclaim desired qualities and truths in the present tense with conviction, as if they exist now.
How Affirmations Work
Neuroscience reveals that the brain struggles to differentiate vividly imagined experiences from real ones. Conscious thoughts and words trigger nerve transmission patterns that the body interprets as reality with repetition.
Reciting positive affirmations actually penetrates the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind drives our life 95% of the time. Therefore, it makes sense to feed it positive thoughts. With time, new uplifting messaging overrides old limiting, negative thoughts as new “normal” programming since it penetrates the subconscious, which again is the commander of most of what you do in life.
“The secret to having your affirmations work quickly and consistently is to prepare an atmosphere for them to grow in. Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.” Louise Hay
Subconscious Transformation
Approximately 95% of daily behaviors and emotions operate from the subconscious mind rather than conscious thought. Affirmations help instill empowering beliefs directly into the subconscious domain.
Through consistently impressing conscious thoughts and feelings of joy, creativity, confidence, prosperity, or other aspirations into the subconscious reservoir, you fundamentally alter the mental programming shaping your reality. However, please note that it is the feelings of the affirmation that penetrate the subconscious. Therefore, when saying affirmations out loud, resonate with the feelings. And I suggest you say affirmations as often as you can in your day. And, as you fall asleep each night, fall asleep to positive feelings from the affirmations, as this is the most powerful time when the subconscious picks up feelings while you sleep.
By consciously choosing and affirming the principles you aim to embody, those qualities materialize through the remarkable power of the mind. Affirmations allow you to intentionally rewire your neural patterns and supersede negative old patterns.
Regular affirmation practice fills your psyche with positive, empowering messaging that attracts and creates the same experiences. The law of attraction is very clear: like attracts like. Whatever you are affirming is being put out into the vast universe and will eventually come back. With focused thought and repetition, you manifest external changes that reflect your internal vibration and affirmations. Affirmations are powerful, as they can transform the life you want.
Rachel Devine is the author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within.
Devine Intervention website-Inner Healing Center.
Master the Power of Manifestation: Turn your Dreams into Reality! Special Online Event
We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, and now is the time to start. Whether you want to lose weight, find your soulmate, write a book, create a website, get healthy, overcome depression, or an addiction, you have the power to manifest anything into your life!
Master the Power of Manifestation—Turn Your Dreams Into Reality!
A Special Zoom Event on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, 7:30 p.m. EST
Hosted by Rachel Devine - author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within.
We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, and now is the time to start. Whether you want to lose weight, find your soulmate, write a book, create a website, get healthy, overcome depression, or an addiction, you have the power to manifest anything into your life!
Manifestation is the practice of harnessing the power of the mind to shape reality and achieve desired outcomes. It is the understanding that one's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can directly influence the world around them. At its core, manifestation is the process of bringing something tangible into your life through various manifestation techniques. The principle suggests that if you think it, feel it, and believe it, you will bring it into your life. As Wayne Dyer, a renowned motivational speaker and self-help author, eloquently put it, "Our intention creates our reality."
This concept has gained significant popularity in recent years, with many individuals attributing their success to the power of manifestation. In this Zoom event, we will explore powerful manifestation techniques, look at the role of the subconscious mind, review an example of a famous person who manifested success, and give you a step-by-step guide to mastering manifestation in your own life. At the end of the event you will get a comprehensive game plan to implement. The power of manifestation is within your reach as we explore endless possibilities of turning your dreams into reality and ultimately transforming your life for the better.
This event is kept at a low-cost so anyone can join at only $19.99.
Review from our last event: It was way beyond my expectations and really helped change my life for the better. I learned so much. SC
Seats are limited and filling up quickly. For more information or to sign up, go to my events page. Once you sign up I will email you the zoom login information.
If you have any questions, please contact me on this link by sending an email.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within.
Inner Child Healing Book: Let it Begin with You - Rachel Devine
You might not realize it, but your inner child is screaming for help. It comes in the form of triggers that come from left field during an argument. Or knee-buckling fear when it comes to romantic relationships. Or anger that comes unexpectedly and is unleashed to innocent bystanders. These are all examples of the inner child screaming for help.
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, is a way to heal your inner child.
You might not realize it, but your inner child is screaming for help. It comes in the form of triggers that come from left field during an argument. Or knee-buckling fear when it comes to romantic relationships. Or anger that comes unexpectedly and is unleashed to innocent bystanders. These are all examples of the inner child screaming for help.
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, is a way to heal your inner child.
Make no mistake about it, it would be extremely hard to manifest your goals and dreams with all of that stuff going on with your inner child. My book is all about healing your inner child to clear the way to manifest your dreams. Your dreams do matter. They are important and they should be played out. Life is too short to get to a point at the end and realize you had dreams on the back burner that never came to fruition.
Let’s look into this a little deeper with an excerpt from my new book from the preface:
My book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. I will show you exactly how to do this. Make no mistake about it, you have this miraculous power within to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of almost every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, or why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, or why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). The subconscious mind holds all your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation. I will explore this dual action-packed power in one of my chapters.
I will also link a distinct pattern with our addictions to early childhood interactions and show you why it plays a big factor in determining perhaps your own addictions, or as I call them, vices. I will also show you ways to heal from these vices.
I will help you come to the empowerment state of taking back your life and teach you how to manifest your dreams into reality.
I will also explore grief and how it relates to all of this. Do you ever wonder why losing a beloved dog, or cat, or any kind of pet, makes a person feel as if the grief is more devastating than losing a parent? There is a reason behind that intense grief, which I will address in one of my chapters. Furthermore, not only will you come to understand it, but you will be able to deal better with the pain and grief of losing a loving pet.
We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.
Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of your journey in life. You can learn how to change the way it has a negative impact to a positive impact on your life. Knowledge is power and awareness is the key. I will show you how to change the subconscious imprint that the inner child developed onto your brain in childhood, so you will be liberated from the chains of the negative, inner child influence. This will give you an edge in all areas of your life from dating to career decisions to family interactions.
One of the reasons why dating is so dysfunctional is due to inner dynamics and I will go into very specific details on this and show you ways to overcome this dilemma.
My goal is to help you move forward in areas of your life you thought were not possible. You will also learn the powerful secret on how to shift the subconscious mind to create exactly what you want in life. I will explain, step by step, how this powerful secret within will help you create your destiny. You have the power to manifest anything in life, from success, to wealth, to love, to good health, and so much more. I will guide you on how you can do this. It may sound foreign to you at this time. However, by the time you finish reading this book, you will have an amazing awareness and knowledge of the power of the secret within.
Whatever the lessons you receive from reading my book will be tailor-fit for your needs. Although I am the messenger, the entity that opens the heart and mind to life lessons is your higher power, and ultimately it is between you and your higher power to learn whatever you need to learn.
You picked up this book for a reason. You are exactly where you need to be in life and something has drawn you to this amazing awareness and potential healing. Therefore, explore the endless possibilities of the lessons that will come out of the awareness you will learn from reading this book. Don’t allow this moment to slip away without grabbing the opportunity for growth, happiness, and power. This amazing opportunity has come to you for a reason. Take advantage of this information that will give you an edge in your life.
The inner child is powerful beyond words and the fact that most of society is walking around in an unconscious state, oblivious to the power the inner child has on them, is unfortunate. My book is the equalizer and will help you comprehend the dynamics of the inner workings in a way that will invoke much healing. I will bring you to an expansive awareness that will act as a wake-up call that literally can transform your life for the better. Additionally, allow yourself this precious gift of waking up to a reality where you can create the life you dream of.
End of excerpt.
Review on Amazon:
I found this book to be intriguing and very well written, with examples of real life situations . I give this book a 10 out of a 10 ! I recommend it highly! I think it is a treasure, trove of knowledge that will change a lot of lives! Dawn
My book, Discover the Power of the Secret within, is available on Amazon. If you prefer an ebook, you can get an instant download on my website.
Inner Child Healing Meditation - Rachel Devine
Inner-child healing is essential to living a life filled with happiness and contentment. Most of us do not realize the impact the inner child has on us. We are preprogrammed emotionally in early childhood, and this carries over to our adult lives. If you have constant issues in life with family, friends, or work, Or if you have a really bad temper or have fears. Perhaps you have trouble losing weight or finding a soulmate who is compatible. All of these issues stem from the inner child. However, don’t despair; with a little knowledge and some inner child healing techniques, you can heal the inner child.
Inner-child healing is essential to living a life filled with happiness and contentment. Most of us do not realize the impact the inner child has on us. We are preprogrammed emotionally in early childhood, and this carries over to our adult lives. If you have constant issues in life with family, friends, or work, Or if you have a really bad temper or have fears. Perhaps you have trouble losing weight or finding a soulmate who is compatible. All of these issues stem from the inner child. However, don’t despair; with a little knowledge and some inner child healing techniques, you can heal the inner child.
Subconscious mind example
Our subconscious mind is in control of 95% of our lives. Since we were born, the subconscious mind has been fed different information in the form of feelings. The inner child is part of the subconscious. It’s a scary notion to realize our lives are pretty much dictated by our past fears, angers, traumas, and experiences. The way to clear some of this out of our subconscious and replace it with positive feelings is through meditation. Meditation is a way to resonate with feelings that will get penetrated by the subconscious, thus helping us change the course of our lives!
Inner child healing meditation
John Bradshaw was a pioneer in the inner-child world. He wrote an inner child book called Homecoming that was very successful in the 1990s. He boldly suggests we peer into our childhood home and connect with that inner child.
In my book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing Your Inner Child to Manifest Your Dreams, I guide you into a meditation for healing the inner child since this is one surefire way to heal the inner child.
My inner child book excerpt: Inner child healing meditation
So, let’s start the process of going back to our childhood. We are going to do this in a more defined way. At this point, I ask you to please keep an open mind. You see, the problem is in the mind; therefore, the solution is also in the mind, and we will be tapping into the subconscious mind, which is where the imprint of your personality has been created.
We are going to imagine going back to our childhood home and seeing our child. Once you determine the feelings of pain, hurt, fear, or perhaps all of these, it is time to go back to that time in your life. Sit with your eyes closed and remember that time in your life when something happened and you needed support. Try to remember a time in your life that you felt particularity alone, hurt, or unloved, perhaps shamed, ridiculed, or a feeling of alienation or abuse. It’s okay if you don’t remember a negative time in your life as a child. You can just go back to a calm time too. Go back to that time and see everything you can. Can you remember the smells or sensations of cold or hot? Look at the colors, and try to put yourself in that space and time. Look at the furniture in the room and the light peering in from the window. Perhaps you are in your backyard and see flowers and swings. Try to remember everything about your childhood home. See your inner child and imagine what he or she is wearing. What does your child look like? See every aspect of your inner child. Take your time with this.
I suggest you close your eyes and imagine yourself as an adult approaching your little child and comforting him or her as a parent would. Tell your child all the things you need to hear to feel comforted and loved. Imagine yourself as an adult sitting with your child and actually parenting the child with love and feelings of safety and concern. Hug your child if you like. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Do it in a way that is comfortable for you and, at the same time, comforting and loving for the child. Really concentrate on the feelings of love.
When you have made that connection with your child and nurture and love your inner child, something will change in your subconscious mind to a positive feeling. If you were fearful at the time as a child, that fear will be offset by love, which is a stronger emotion. Or if the feeling was one of shame, that will also decrease in your subconscious mind as an adult. If it is a feeling of not being loved, loving your child will make you feel more loved as an adult and enable you to not be so needy when it comes to relationships. It could also help one curb their addiction because you are filling the hole in the soul or that void from not getting your childhood needs met with your own self-love.
End of the excerpt.
The key in this meditation is to resonate with the feelings and try to overcome negative feelings with positive feelings of love, comfort, security, courage, self-esteem, etc.
Our inner child is yearning for love, comfort, and support. Recognizing this aspect of yourself and nurturing your inner child with daily words of affirmation, meditations, and visuals, you will begin healing the inner child. The more the inner child heals, the more healing our adult selves will feel, and our relationships with family, friends, and work will improve.
Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Inner Child Healing to Manifest your Dreams - Get your copy on Amazon or you can get an instant ebook download.
For more information on inner child healing, please visit my website, Devine Intervention-Inner Healing Center.
Inner Child Healing: How it Can Transform your Life! Rachel Devine
You may view inner child healing as something from the 90s that John Bradshaw promoted that is no longer relevant. You may also think that you are exempt from any inner child dysfunctions. I can tell you that you are just as influenced by inner child as the next person.
If you answer yes to any one of these questions, you are definitely influenced by the inner child.
Are you unable to lose weight?
Do you have ongoing issues with relatives?
Do you have an inner critic telling you negative thoughts?
Do you have major problems in a relationship?
Are you in the dilemma of alcoholism in any way?
Are you chronically depressed?
Are your thoughts negative most of the time?
If you said yes to any of these, you definitely are influenced by the inner child. In fact, to be perfectly honest, we all have some inner child issues to one extent or another. Some of us are more advanced in the dysfunction department than others. Nonetheless, after all my research into the inner child, I can say with certainty that we are all affected in one way or another by the inner child.
Let’s look into this in a more defined way.
You may view inner child healing as something from the 90s that John Bradshaw promoted that is no longer relevant. You may also think that you are exempt from any inner child dysfunctions. I can tell you that you are just as influenced by inner child as the next person.
If you answer yes to any of these questions, you are definitely influenced by the inner child.
Are you unable to lose weight?
Do you have ongoing issues with relatives?
Do you have an inner critic telling you negative thoughts?
Do you have major problems in a relationship?
Are you in the dilemma of alcoholism in any way?
Are you chronically depressed?
Are your thoughts negative most of the time?
If you said yes to any of these, you definitely are influenced by the inner child. In fact, to be perfectly honest, we all have some inner child issues to one extent or another. Some of us are more advanced in the dysfunction department than others. Nonetheless, after all my research into the inner child, I can say with certainty that we are all affected in one way or another by the inner child.
Let’s look into this in a more defined way.
The following is an excerpt from my new book, Discover the Power within - Healing your Inner child to Manifest your Dreams:
Chapter One - Inner Child Dynamics
The dynamics of our inner world are pretty intense. However, as I open up the nucleus of the inner child you will see how easy it really is to comprehend.
I will start from the beginning. What transpired in our childhood determines how we develop as adults. Some of the things that transpired in childhood will plague you as an adult with things like alcoholism, drug or food addictions, anger issues, intimacy issues, fear of abandonment, commitment issues, claustrophobia, sexual disorders, continuous relationship failures, workaholism, paranoid tendencies, narcissism, fears, etc. These issues get embedded in the inner child’s psyche and carries into adulthood. This all stems from the roots that took place with the inner child and what went on in your early childhood.
So, what does it mean when I refer to the “Inner Child”?
The inner child is our feelings, energies, needs, vulnerabilities, experiences, our neurological imprint. Simply put, the inner child is part of your personality that still feels and acts like a child.
The inner child that developed in each of our individual childhoods is what navigates our subconscious mind and drives our decisions in life, without realizing it. The subconscious mind holds all your experiences, traumas, and family interactions. The subconscious mind is the navigator of most of your life and is very powerful. In fact, the subconscious mind is in charge of 95% of your life, that includes your actions, decisions, and pretty much all that you do in a day. As we move along in the book, this will become clearer to you.
When we struggle to move forward in life, or to get out of a bad relationship, or we struggle to start a love relationship, or we cower down in arguments, all of these decisions are coming from the subconscious mind of the inner child. That imprint that was embedded in our mind at different developmental stages is ingrained in our subconscious mind and our adult intellect tries to reason with certain decisions we make, but usually will lose out to the fear or insecurity of the inner child. And most people are oblivious to this conflict that is going on within them and have no clue as to why they make certain decisions that are unhealthy for them. Make no mistake about it, when I say, “subconscious mind,” it means we are totally oblivious to what is happening in that part of our psyches.
Let’s look at this in stages. There are four important developmental stages of the inner child.
The first one is the infancy stage. This is the co-dependent stage from 0 to 2 years old where we are completely dependent on our parents for survival. This is the stage where we need a lot of care, nurturing, and love. It’s a time in our lives that we depend solely on our parents for survival.
The preschool age from 2 to 4 years old is the stage of counter-dependence. This stage is often referred to as “the terrible twos.” This is a time when the child wants and needs to assert their ability to interact with their environment. The child is gaining his or her autonomy from co-dependence.
From 4 to 7 years old, is the independence stage. At this time, a child is becoming independent and doesn’t need his or her parents to do everything, and the child becomes more independent of them.
At seven years old the child is at an inter-dependence stage of being, which is much more independent from their parents than previous years, and pretty much can do most things for themselves.
All these developmental stages are a crucial time in a child’s life, and if a child does not get their fundamental needs met, there will be issues that develop later on in adulthood.
How we learned to love from birth to seven years old will determine our subconscious imprint that gets embedded in our brain. When we get into adulthood, we attract those people who fulfill our innermost subconscious thoughts. This imprint from childhood is what we navigate with when seeking out a partner in life.
That is the end of the excerpt. Our relationships are dictated by our subconscious imprint, so if you keep meeting the same dysfunctional people in the dating world, now you have a reason for it. Furthermore, as you can see from this information, our inner child and subconscious mind drives our life 95 % of the time. It is terrifying to know that our life decisions are driven by this dual force that was formed throughout our childhood. The important thing to know is that we can change the subconscious imprint with some easy techniques. Changing the imprint, changes the dynamics of the subconscious and in turn transforms lives. I go into specific details in my book in a step by step manner on how to change the subconscious imprint to ultimately enable one to manifest their dreams into reality. Afterall, if the subconscious is driving our life, then we want it to go in a positive and successful direction.
For more information please visit my website that has an array of free resources, as well as my books and online courses, that all have instant downloads for you to explore.
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Let me know your thoughts on my contact page.
Life’s Challenges: Finding Growth and Wisdom during the Storms - Rachel Devine
Life’s challenges inevitably arise from time to time, but within each challenge lies potential lessons and growth if you look close enough. By leaning into adversity with an open and curious mindset, you can uncover meaning and strengthen your resilience for whatever lies ahead. It will all transpire according to your view of the challenge. Is it a negative, fearful view or a positive, proactive one? How you view the storms of life is the first challenge within the challenge. It is possible to turn storms into an opportunity for growth and wisdom. Life’s challenges are easier when we have a more positive mindset.
Life challenges inevitably arise from time to time, but within each challenge lies potential lessons and growth if you look close enough. By leaning into adversity with an open and curious mindset, you can uncover meaning and strengthen your resilience for whatever lies ahead. It will all transpire according to your view of the challenge. Is it a negative, fearful view or a positive, proactive one? How you view the storms of life is the first challenge within the challenge. It is possible to turn storms into an opportunity for growth and wisdom. Life’s challenges are easier when we have a more positive mindset.
Reframing Perspectives
When facing trials, consciously reframe your perspective by asking yourself, “What opportunity for learning or self-expansion exists here?” Rather than just reacting negatively to a challenge, become proactively aware of its transformational potential. Also, your first response should be to look for the solutions.
As entrepreneur Steve Jobs reminded us, “The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything.” See setbacks as a chance to begin again with fresh eyes. Look at the opportunity within the problem.
Developing empathy and compassion
Experiencing your own pain, anxiety, or grief allows you to better empathize when others undergo similar suffering. Your capacity for compassion swells. What can this situation teach you about the human experience that makes you a wiser friend? How can you take this experience and help others in the future? There is no better way of being able to help another person than if you experienced the situation in your own life.
Finding strength and courage
Meeting adversity head-on inevitably builds courage, resilience, grit, patience, resourcefulness, and other strengths as you learn you can survive and recover. Let hardship showcase your lionheart. Let hardship bring you out of the situation with strength.
As Friedrich Nietzsche stated, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Difficulties forge unbreakable spirits when handled with tenacity.
Appreciating Support and Community
Hard times remind us how interconnected we are. Seeing firsthand how family, friends, and even strangers extend aid instills profound gratitude. After the storm, you’re left with clarity on who matters most in your life. It really helps to have a few trusted friends by your side.
There are always valuable life lessons to be found when examining trials with reflective humility rather than just resentment. Ask, “How can this make me a better person?” The insights often prove invaluable.
Counting your blessings may sound like a cliche, however, the reality is, it is the equalizer in any challenging situation. Rather than dwell on the challenge, take a break from it and dwell on all you have to be thankful for. When we shift to looking at all we have in life, our challenge becomes smaller as the things we have to be grateful for become larger. Gratitude is a soulful way to realize we are fortunate to have all we do in our life.
Prayer during the storms of life is a way to bring peace into the center of the storm. Prayer is the calm within the storms of life. Annie Dillard said this very profound quote that I just love:
“No one escapes the wilderness on the way to the promised land.”
There will always be challenges and obstacles in life. Staying in prayer puts you in a positive state and will help you have a more positive mindset. And the power of prayer in my world is very real. Staying in prayer will help you weather any storm in life.
In closing, remember that your mindset is key to getting through hardships. You can get through them with a miserable depressed state of mind or you can shine through hardships. Try to view each adverse situation in life as a challenge rather than a problem. Problems seemed to bring on reactive behavior, while a challenge is more of an opportunity to learn and grow.
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Let me know your thoughts on my contact page.
Don’t Quit your Daydream: 5 Steps to Manifest your Dreams - Rachel Devine
Life can take us down many different paths. We can go on a path of daily routine, day in and day out of doing the same thing. Or we can recognize a long-forgotten dream sitting on the back burner of our lives that can potentially change the course of our lives. Our hopes and dreams matter. However, sometimes we feel like everyone else around us is more important than ourselves. Self-doubt can also plague us with feeling stifled. I say, quit your daydream! It’s never too late to start fresh with any idea. You can manifest your dreams into reality.
Let’s get started and look into our daydreams.
Life can take us down many different paths. We can go on a path of daily routine, day in and day out of doing the same thing. Or we can recognize a long-forgotten dream sitting on the back burner of our lives that can potentially change the course of our lives. Our hopes and dreams matter. However, sometimes we feel like everyone else around us is more important than ourselves. Self-doubt can also plague us with feeling stifled. I say, quit your daydream! It’s never too late to start fresh with any idea. You can manifest your dreams into reality.
Let’s get started and look into our daydreams.
Your daydream
Just recognizing a dream or goal you want to fulfill in the future is a first step to attaining it. I had a manuscript on the back burner for years and finally brought it to the forefront and worked on it. I worked hard on it and got my second book self-published, called The Third Road. It was a great achievement and brought me from living on a path of daily routine to branching out to a fulfilling purpose in life.
Your purpose
We all have a reason for being born. It’s a matter of looking at what you love doing and what brings you joy. Your purpose is at the center of what you love doing in life. Your purpose has to have two elements: you have to love doing it, and it has to serve humanity in some capacity. I love writing and helping people, so that has been incorporated into my purpose of writing. Setting time aside to bring your purpose to life will bring you much joy.
Positive visualization
Positive visualization involves intentionally developing a picture in your mind to practice the performance, feeling, or behavior you desire. The American Psychological Association Dictionary refers to this process as “mentally rehearsing” to enhance performance. Once you decide your purpose in life, visualize it daily. The power of positive thinking is not just some lofty words; it is a surefire way to manifest your dreams into reality. You can visualize what you want to manifest in your daily meditations as a good start. Positive visualization will keep you on track, as you move towards your purpose in life.
Manifesting your dreams
The most powerful part of manifesting your dreams is using feelings. Feelings penetrate the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like the motherboard of a computer. It directs 95% of your decisions and actions in life. Therefore, it’s important to visualize the outcome you want. As you fall asleep at night, put one visualized picture in your mind of what you want to manifest. For instance, if you want to write a book, put an image of a book that you authored, as if you already wrote it and had it published. Then fall asleep with the feelings of what it feels like to have a published book. The feelings will penetrate the subconscious mind for eight hours as you sleep. The sleep state is powerful because it is the unconscious state where you can penetrate the subconscious mind, where all dreams eventually manifest into reality.
Self-doubt is usually a culprit in stopping one from following their bliss in life. I was plagued with self-doubt many years ago when I started writing. In fact, I wrote a poem as a way to help me overcome it. This is the first poem I ever wrote.
When you can feel the warmth of the sunshine but cannot see it.
Or feel the coolness of a gentle breeze but cannot grasp it.
When our dreams are just a fleeting thought, that no longer matters.
Remember to deeply reach within. To stretch your mind
to awaken the real you as you say goodnight to self-doubt
and the inner blindness.
In conclusion, remember one thing. If you allow your purpose to flourish, you will be fulfilling a gift for yourself and humanity. Life can take us down many roads, but the road to fulfilling your purpose and manifesting your dreams, is the best road ever!
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Let me know your thoughts on my contact page.
Your Story Creates your Future: 5 Steps to Transform your Life - Rachel Devine
Your story determines your future. As Joel Osteen says, “If you want to see your future, look at the words you are speaking now.” These are very true words of wisdom. What we say out loud expands and is part of what creates our future. What we say now about our lives will eventually become a reality, good, bad, or indifferent. The key is to speak positive words and relinquish the negative ones. You have the power to create your future.
Let’s dive into this a little deeper.
Claim your free gift at the end of the article!
Your story determines your future. As Joel Osteen says, “If you want to see your future, look at the words you are speaking now.” These are very true words of wisdom. What we say out loud expands and is part of what creates our future. What we say now about our lives will eventually become a reality, good, bad, or indifferent. The key is to speak positive words and relinquish the negative ones. You have the power to create your future.
Let’s dive into this a little deeper.
Your Story
So the big question is: what are you feeding the universe in the form of words daily, and is it positive or negative? For instance, if you want to lose weight but your story goes like this, “I have done everything to lose weight and I can’t do it," Guess what? You will continue to fail in your quest to lose weight because the story doesn’t align with your goals.
Now what if your story went like this? “I am willing to try anything to lose weight, and I will succeed.” That positive mindset will give you much better results in losing weight. Furthermore, you are putting positive energy all around your goal of losing weight with your positive words.
The Law of Attraction explained
The law of attraction is very clear: ‘like attracts like.’ I like to look at it like an echo chamber. What you yell out in an echo chamber comes back to you. It is the same premise as having a positive story. The energy and the words we put out into the vast universe come back to us, just like they would in an echo chamber. Just view the world as a big echo chamber, and realize what you say and do will eventually come back to you. That profound phrase “what goes around comes around" holds a lot of wisdom.
Positive words of affirmation
If you want to go one step further in achieving your goal, it’s important to use positive words of affirmation to continue the positive energy flow. Just say affirming words out loud daily, especially about what you want to achieve, as if it is already here.
I am successful.
I am healthy.
I have reached my ideal weight.
I am in a loving relationship.
I am making lots of money.
If you say positive affirmations out loud several times a day, it will help you achieve any goal you want. The key is to keep the positive thoughts and words flowing. You have the power to transform your life.
Game plan
Now that you have your story in a positive mode, achieving any goal will be easier. The important step to transform your life is to have a game plan. Write out a plan to achieve what you want. If you want to lose weight or meet your soulmate, it’s important to have clear objectives on how you will achieve these goals.
You want to start by making a list of ways to achieve your goal. Once you have a game plan, do a a daily ‘to do list’ to keep you on track. Just list the important aspects of what to do in a day that pertains to your goal. Having a daily list you can tick off the goals for the day will help tremendously. Also, enlisting a good life coach can help you achieve your goals too. Or join a group that will give you support in what you want to achieve in life, or an online course, or perhaps a retreat will help you put focus on your goals.
Gratitude benefits
Gratitude has a myriad of benefits. It helps with our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. I try to live in gratitude for everything in my life. Counting our blessings is a perfect way to appreciate life and all that it has to offer. Gratitude increases motivation by highlighting the progress you've already made towards your goals. It focuses on the wins and on what's going right. Taking time to stop and recognize your achievements often gives us the motivation to continue when things get hard. A gratitude journal is a great way to keep the energy flowing.
In conclusion, remember how powerful your words and actions are in creating your future. Once you realize this very important aspect of life, you have the tools to navigate your future. Creating your future will then become easy. Just express positive words into the universe and see what comes back to you.
This valuable video guide on “How to Manifest your Dreams” is a valuable resource to help you transform your life in the New Year! The cost is $15.99, but I am offering it today for only $10 for the New Year!
As a bonus, I offer you this free gift, 7 Ways to Overcome Obstacles & Be Happy. This valuable audio guide is a gift that is, absolutely free. Just click on the link to order an instant download.
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Let me know your thoughts on my contact page.
The Power of New Year’s Resolutions - Rachel Devine
We rang in the new year for 2024! Out with the old and in with the new. We celebrated the new year in various ways, and now we are possibly looking at our new year’s resolutions. You might be one of those people who doesn’t make resolutions because you have never been able to keep one in the past. This is all the more reason to make resolutions, so you are able to stick to some goals. Resolutions are important to set goals and organize the new year in a way that navigates your future. Otherwise, one might just flounder in no particular direction and wind up in the same place as the previous year. Perhaps you want to lose weight or stop an addiction, or you might have lofty goals of starting a business or writing a book. Whatever your resolutions are, you can start now. This moment is all we have, and starting a new venture in the new year requires some forethought. Afterall, you want to have a truly happy new year!
Let’s look at this more closely.
We rang in the new year for 2024! Out with the old and in with the new. We celebrated the new year in various ways, and now we are possibly looking at our new year’s resolutions. You might be one of those people who doesn’t make resolutions because you have never been able to keep one in the past. This is exactly why you should make some resolutions. It will give you some practice in self-discipline. Resolutions are important to set goals and organize the new year in a way that navigates your future. Otherwise, one might just flounder in no particular direction and wind up in the same place as the previous year. Perhaps you want to lose weight or stop an addiction, or you might have lofty goals of starting a business or writing a book. Whatever your resolutions are, you can start now! This moment is all we have, and starting a new venture in the new year requires some forethought. Afterall, you want to have a truly happy new year!
Let’s look at this more closely.
New year’s resolutions
One of the most timeless traditions of the new year is making resolutions. These are promises that a person makes to themself for the purpose of self-improvement and positive changes, reflecting a shared aspiration to make a fresh start. A resolution can also be called a goal. When we have goals for our future, it gives us direction, purpose, and a feeling of wanting to accomplish something.
Starting a new year’s resolution
The first step to starting a resolution is to write it down. Your new year is an open book, and writing out goals will help you create a new chapter in your life. Writing down your resolution in a clear and concise way will give you a road map to your goal. You also want to write out the steps you will take to achieve your resolution. For instance, if you want to lose weight, you will write out a plan to change your eating habits to healthier ones, and you may want to incorporate a game plan for exercising. Studies show that exercising is associated with longevity. So, if you want to live a long, healthy life, it starts with a goal to get to that destination.
The Power of a Written Intention
The power of a written intention is very profound. One year I wrote a letter to a friend about where I wanted to see myself in a year, and everything I wrote came true. You can write out a similar letter or you can also put your goals on a vision board. A vision board is a visual of what you want for your future. You can use a piece of oak tag and put pictures on it of what you want to accomplish in your life. You can use phrases, affirmations, and stickers. You want to put your resolutions on the vision board and place the vision board where you can see it daily. The visions will get embedded in your subconscious mind, which is the driving force behind your life decisions. You will surely start to move in the direction of your goals, which is a great start to achieving them.
Visualization techniques
It’s so important to put some willpower behind the resolutions you set. Keeping your energy on the goal will be the most important part of reaching your objection. The mind-power techniques are invaluable. Visualizing techniques for manifestation, as if your goal is already here, is a powerful way to help you stay on course. Before you fall asleep each night, visualize the outcome of your resolution. For example, if you want to lose weight, fall asleep with only one picture of you already with the weight off. Then fall asleep with feelings of what it feels like to have the weight off. For instance, you would feel happy, healthier, content, relieved, etc. The feelings are what penetrate the subconscious mind, and the power of the mind to achieve goals is unlimited. I suggest you do this every night until you reach your goal.
Affirmations are phrases and words that help us change negative thought patterns to positive ones. Positive affirmations help us focus on the positive goals we have. Say affirmations out loud several times a day.
Some affirmations are as follows:
I will reach my goals.
I am happy to bring positive change into my life.
I am going in a good direction towards my dreams.
I am successful.
I am loved.
In closing, the new year is filled with so many possibilities. Writing a chapter for 2024 on what direction you want your life to go in, gives you control over your life. Your life is an open book with blank pages just waiting for you to fill them with some healthy goals and dreams. You have the power to create your future. Your resolutions are important, therefore, go in the direction that is ideal for you, and don’t let anyone sway you from your dreams.
I wish you all a very happy, blessed, new year!
My new book is on Amazon now, Tales of Hope, Love and Discovery: A Collection of Short Stories of Enlightenment.
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Let me know your thoughts on inner child on my contact page.
The Power of Gratitude in the New Year! Rachel Devine
The year is winding down and there is so much to be grateful for. With the new year right around the corner, gratitude is a great way to end a year and begin a new year. However, gratitude is beneficial everyday. Gratitude is more than just saying thank you. Regularly expressing gratitude has been shown in research to provide far-reaching physical, psychological, spiritual and social benefits. By focusing on blessings, rather than what is lacking, gratitude fosters optimism, strengthens relationships, improves health, and enhances overall happiness. The benefits of a gratitude practice is priceless. The power of gratitude is essential to happiness and living an optimistic life. A positive thought process will reap a positive life experience.
Let’s explore the benefits of practicing gratitude:
The year is winding down and there is so much to be grateful for. With the new year right around the corner, gratitude is a great way to end a year and begin a new year. However, gratitude is beneficial everyday. Gratitude is more than just saying thank you. Regularly expressing gratitude has been shown in research to provide far-reaching physical, psychological, spiritual and social benefits. By focusing on blessings, rather than what is lacking, gratitude fosters optimism, strengthens relationships, improves health, and enhances overall happiness. The benefits of a gratitude practice is priceless. The power of gratitude is essential to happiness and living an optimistic life. A positive thought-process will reap a positive life experience.
Let’s explore the benefits of practicing gratitude:
Physical Health Booster
Studies link gratitude practices with better biomarkers like improved sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduced inflammation that contribute to heart health risks. Sincere appreciation lowers stress hormones like cortisol that can damage health if chronically elevated.
In a pioneering UC Davis study, subjects who journaled on gratitude experiences for two weeks showed a significant increase in biomarkers associated with health in comparison to control groups. Keeping a gratitude journal emerges as an easy but potent habit of many benefits.
Mental Well-being
Gratitude changes perspective from scarcity to abundance by redirecting focus towards all we have rather than what we don’t have. This positive attitude has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, elevate mood, and increase happiness by over 25%, according to research from Positive Psychology pioneer Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky.
And remember, gratitude and happiness quotes are also a fun way to keep gratitude growing.
Relationship Bonds
Expressing thankfulness fosters stronger social bonds by making others feel valued and appreciated. Appreciation for family members is priceless. Gratitude helps diffuse conflicts and fosters connection through positive communication. Studies demonstrate that regularly voicing genuine appreciation to partners, friends, and family deepens bonds.
Bestselling author Brené Brown wisely noted that “Joy comes to us everyday as a gift. The longer we can hold onto it, the more we can take time to appreciate it, the more that joy expands.” The joy expands because of the principals of the law of attraction tell us that, like attracts like. Shared joyous moments are doubled when expressed with gratitude.
Life Purpose and Meaning
Gratitude helps uncover the meaning in life’s ordinary moments by focusing attention on the gift of simply being alive. Even basic needs like food, shelter, or nature’s beauty become profound when received gratefully. Practicing gratitude brings heightened awareness to purpose and blessings.
Holocaust survivor and renowned author Viktor Frankl highlighted the essential power of gratitude and meaning in his classic book, Man’s Search for Meaning: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances.” Gratitude provides magic that can propel you to change your future course in life.
Doorway to Spirituality
For many spiritual traditions, gratitude sits at the heart of connection to the Divine. Expressing thankfulness for life's gifts cultivates humility and compassion. Regular gratitude meditations and prayers can facilitate a deeper relationship with God or existence itself.
Gratitude expressed in prayers in Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism and many more faiths, as a posture of humble appreciation, invokes peace and grace. Even non-religious individuals may experience transcendent moments of awe and grace through gratitude practices. Practicing daily gratitude is a form of graceful prayer and a blessing to all who cultivate gratitude in their life. Gratitude can help lead one to a life of humility and spirituality, when practicing gratitude daily.
Simple Habits
Gratitude is available to all through simple habits like beginning each day by listing a few things you are thankful for, saying grace before meals, keeping a gratitude journal, writing thank you notes, and meditating on moments of blessing. Consciously appreciating the people, experiences, and basic comforts that comprise your life opens the doorway to greater wholeness.
By changing your mindset from lack to abundance through gratitude, you gain a powerful perspective that research confirms provides tangible physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. The more good we notice, the more good grows. Centering in gratitude transforms lives. What are you grateful for today? I am most grateful for my family. I am also grateful and excited about my new book I just got published, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing the Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams!
Wishing you all a very blessed New Year!
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center
Let me know what you are grateful for today.
Christmas in Woodside: The Most Magical Time! - Rachel Devine
Christmas in Woodside was, at times, magical. Once you got past the family dysfunction, it was fun. Every family has their own story of dysfunction. However, this article brings forth the goodness of Woodside during Christmas time.
Christmas in Woodside was, at times, magical. Once you got past the family dysfunction, it was fun. Every family has their own story of dysfunction. However, this article brings forth the goodness of Woodside during Christmas time. It brings forth the essence of being a child during Christmas time, which is the most magical time of the year!
Let’s take a peek into a window of what life was like for children back in the mid-60's during Christmas in Woodside.
I loved growing up in Woodside, New York. We had a house on 55th Street, between Queens Boulevard and Roosevelt Avenue. Woodside was a quiet middle-class neighborhood lined with mostly one family homes and a few apartment buildings. The grammar school, PS 11, was 2 blocks away. There was also a library on the corner, across the street from PS 11. Roosevelt Avenue had an elevator line that the 7 train ran on from Times Square to Main street. There were many stores along Roosevelt Avenue, and one special store comes to mind called Walter’s Bakery, on 61st Street. I remember going there on Sunday morning for jelly rolls and other pastries with my father. In my opinion, Walter’s had the best pastries in the world.
I remember almost every house on 55th Street having Christmas lights on their stoops or windows. The O’Connor’s actually had music playing all during the Christmas season from their front porch. As you walk down the block to the corner, where Sids Pharmacy was, you can feel the Christmas spirit in the air as the twinkling lights radiated a sense of joy. My house had those large Christmas light bulbs strung around the frame of the house on the second floor. I remember I would take the plug out and put it in the socket to make the lights blink. We also had a 4-foot silver tinsel tree with many colored blinking lights that we set by the window. As a child, I always longed for a green tree, but as I got older, whenever I see a silver tree, fond memories come back of Christmas of yesteryears.
I remember walking down to Sids in the winter months. Sids was a small type of general store/pharmacy. You can get your medicines, as well as candy, soda, cigarettes, beer, and ice cream. He even had gifts like cologne and watches. He even had those chocolate cake logs with vanilla icing inside. Sid was the one our parents went to when they had a health question and the doctor was not available. He wore a white outer garment, like a doctor, and his adult son also worked with him behind the counter and in the small pharmacy area.
There was a big snowstorm in the 1960s that closed the schools down. MY neighbor took me and her two sons to the back of PS11 to go sleigh riding down the hill. It was an extra happy day being with friends and playing in the snow. My mother always made hot chocolate when we came in from the snow.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer cartoon came on every year during the Christmas season, along with Frosty the Snowman, which were two of my favorite Christmas shows to watch. The Bing Crosby Christmas Special was another favorite. There is something so wonderful about the traditions of Christmas that invokes a spirit of kinship and love.
I remember my mother wrapping gifts on the kitchen table. My younger brother and I would take the cardboard rolls from the end of the Christmas paper and bop each other on the head, which my mother hated. We would always ask my mother for one gift on Christmas eve and to her dismay she would give in. I remember one year getting a Cinderella watch. I loved Cinderella, and that watch was one of my favorite gifts. The anticipation of Santa coming was incredible, as I use to look out my bedroom window waiting to see Santa and his reindeer in the black sky.
Christmas morning was finally here! My mother would have a chocolate and vanilla pudding cake for Christmas. She usually bakes cakes for special occasions, but on Christmas, she bought one from the local baker. We had a white fake fireplace in the living room, where Christmas holly was hung and the electric logs would be burning bright on Christmas morning. I remember wearing a pink dress and my mother taking my picture. Christmas day was also my birthday, so it was special all around. My mother instilled a love for Jesus in me at an early age, as she always mentioned the fact that Jesus and I shared the same birthday. And of course, Jesus’ birth is the real essence behind Christmas.
I remember my father had a Christmas album and we would listen to all the Christmas favorites like, White Christmas, I’ll be Home for Christmas, Silent Night, O Come all Ye Faithful and all the other Christmas classics. My father would do the cooking on holidays. He would make roast turkey, potatoes, mixed vegetables and his famous stuffing - a recipe he got from his mother. The stuffing consists of onion, chopped beef, chopped turkey livers, spices and of course breading. I used to poke out the livers, which I hated and could spot a mile away. When I make it, I leave out the liver.
Christmas was a beautiful time of year and I enjoyed each and every one of them.
I also visited my friends homes during Christmas, and it just always seemed to be so much fun to play Barbie dolls together. I remember a friend having a very organized black Barbie case with many beautiful outfits, which I admired. My Barbie case was special too. It gave the neighborhood children something to do during the Christmas vacation from school.
Of course, as in most homes, there were good times as well as bad times, but the good times always seemed to outweigh the bad times. Looking back on our childhood can bring different emotions, but when I was a child, I didn’t think about anything outside of what was happening in the moment. The Christmas Spirit lives in the moment. God is peace, God is love, and God is the Spirit of Christmas. God can only be felt in the moment. He is not in the past or the future; he lives in this very moment. This is why children have a natural childlike wonderment because they have not yet learned to wander from the moment to past regrets or future worry. They stay in the moment, where everything is happening and the Spirit of God lives.
As I look back on Christmas in Woodside, I see beautiful memories. I am grateful for the many wonderful Christmas traditions in our home and in the neighborhood. What do you see when you look back on your own childhood Christmas? I hope you see the goodness of the season. Christmas is a magical time for children, so no matter what is happening, life is usually enchanting. May your Christmas be merry and bright. Christmas in Woodside was the very best time of the year!
Do you remember what your Christmas was like as a child?
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
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